Canyon Old Students Association (COSA) has developed a dynamic web portal to the existing website ''. COSA will embrace the latest in technology to enhance your interaction with fellow Canyonites, faculty of the Canyon School and the COSA. Once after the initial registration is done, the following features can be added up in course of time.
Member search by batch
Member's profiles
Availability/opening of jobs in Members organizations
Look out for business associates/partners among the members
Alumni merchandise store
Photo video Gallery
Faculty information and directory
As a valued member of COSA you are requested to kindly furnish all the details in the link below for full use of the portal.
COSA provides opportunities for your entire class to get together only once every 5 years.
Please note that it would be mandatory for all the old students to register on the COSA portal so that they can gain access to all the services provided on the portal.
For any clarification, please contact Mrs. Priyanka Bhagat 09770324940